Level Mix Bucket

A smaller 3.5 gallon size of our mix for leveling warm season lawns

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Smaller 3.5 gallon size of our lawn leveling mix
70% golf course sand ads structure
30% Soil3 compost adds a boost of natural nutrients
Together the sand and compost level out bumps and depressions in warm season lawns

Level Mix Bucket Description

Level Mix is a blend of 70% golf course sand and 30% Soil³ compost for leveling uneven warm season lawns (not intended for Tall Fescue lawns). 

The sand adds structure to even out bumps and depressions formed when driving over a lawn (example: utility work, tree trimming), from animal activity, from sports, and from natural settling. The compost adds a zap of nutrition.

We recommend you spread Level Mix when your warm season lawn is green and actively growing.

  • New smaller size: 3.5 gallons
  • Scoop & lid included
  • Scoop style and color may vary due to supply
  • Price: $24.99
  • Refills: $9.99

For refills, please bring your original Level Mix bucket with you and we'll refill it.

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