Soil³ Mini Cube - 1 cubic foot (with sod)

Ideal base for sod installation

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Approved for organic gardening
Reduces fertilizer use
Available for pick up at your closest Super-Sod store

Soil³ Mini Cube - 1 cubic foot (with sod) Description

A Soil³ Mini Cube contains 1 cubic foot of compost (27 of these Minis fill 1 BigYellowBag). In other volume terms, it's 7.48 gallons.


When laying sod, we recommend 1 Mini Cube per 2-3 rolls (30 sq. ft.) of sod.

Why Soil³ compost is great for New Lawn Prep

  • Improves soil structure, reduces compaction, and improves aeration
  • Improves moisture retention in sandy soil, while conversely improving drainage in compacted clay soil
  • Adds natural nutrients and beneficial microorganisms to your soil
  • Those beneficial microorganisms help prevent lawn diseases
  • Compost is near neutral in pH so it raises the pH of acidic soils, a common problem in clay. Likewise, the neutral pH of our compost will lower the pH of basic or alkaline soils
  • Rich compost minimizes the need for fertilizers and lime during establishment, and we always recommend fertilizing and liming based on the feedback from a soil test (you may still need to lime if you're planting Tall Fescue, so run that soil test!)
  • Plus, it's full of natural nutrients that fertilizers can’t offer. Rest assured because it's OMRI Listed for certified organic gardening.


Mini Cubes of Humus Compost are perfect for:

  • Renovating small bald or bare spots in your lawn
  • As a "mulch" for grass seeds
  • Filling in holes or trenches
  • Planting trees and shrubs
  • Planting flowers
  • Topdressing both new and established perennials, shrubs, or trees

Grab a few when you need them!


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